107 Results for Instrument Reprocessing and Care

From proper cleaning at the bedside to managing a trying maintenance and repair schedule, properly caring for the surgical instruments your...

Telling your sterile processing technicians to “just follow the manufacturers’ instructions for use (IFUs)” can often be about as helpful as...

Even when endoscopy staff are well-taught and well-trained, accidents happen in what can be fast-paced, high-volume environments at GI centers....

Just because an instrument has been reprocessed doesn’t mean that it’s clean. In some cases, that’s because reprocessing techs are rushing and forced...

There’s nothing easy about cleaning flexible endoscopes. They’re fragile and expensive and one can argue the margin for reprocessing them safely is...

Virtually every article, webinar or how-to guide on flexible endoscope reprocessing includes some version of this advice: Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s Instructions For Use (IFU)....

With endoscope repair, cost isn’t the only consideration. Providers require consistent, high-quality availability and prompt turnarounds to avoid risks to performance and throughput....

Infection prevention procedures have always been a key focus during on-site inspections, and their importance has only intensified since the pandemic began in 2020. Here’s what surveyors will be looking for...

Flexible endoscope care is a complex, multilayered process rife with opportunities for errors and missed steps....

My hospital’s sterile processing department is responsible for turning around 1,500 instrument trays a day, and we take every measure possible to ensure...

Combine the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently lowering the recommended initial colorectal screening age from 50 to 45 with the influx of newly scheduled screenings from patients who postponed their colonoscopies during the height...

There’s plenty of compelling big-picture data out there to support the need for meticulous and consistent point-of-use instrument care. A 2020 study in BMJ Quality & Safety is a great example....

Major change doesn’t happen overnight — especially in the world of surgery. Little by little the trends of today mold and shape the industry of tomorrow. For facility leaders, keeping up with these changes is an absolute imperative....

LAST CALL An airport-style security scanner at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics is saving tens of thousands of dollars' worth of valuable instruments from accidentally entering the waste stream.

Test your staff’s knowledge on instrument cleaning, sharps safety, wound care and other ways to keep patients and staff safe.

The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) says original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) meet the highest standards for servicing medical devices,...

Teams in sterile processing departments are often tasked to do more with less, especially when surgeons push to perform more cases than the instrument inventory can handle and reprocessing techs are pressured...

There are many steps to manage in the endoscope reprocessing process and missing or rushing through just one can lead to improper high-level disinfection and patient harm. “Endoscopes are very complex and intricate medical devices...

Surgical teams expect to work with instruments that are sterilized correctly, in pristine condition and arrive in the OR in time for cases to begin as scheduled. Making sure...

Surgical instruments that are of poor quality or improperly maintained can fail during procedures, an alarming occurrence that jeopardizes outcomes...

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