347 Results for Opinion

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I'd rather sleep a few minutes longer than make bacon and eggs or eat cereal that changes the color of...

Soon after I started my career in the OR 38 (!) years ago, the first Universal Law of OR Nursing grabbed me by my scrub jacket and shook me into a higher state of...

If you’re thinking of getting a Real ID or an enhanced ID when you renew your driver’s license, you’ll want to make your stay at the DMV as pleasant — and as short...

More and more, I wonder if I'm still outpatient surgery material. I don't mean writing for Outpatient Surgery Magazine, but rather keeping up with all those pretty, perky...

In OR years, I’m officially old. I’m that nurse who thinks that if it’s not broken, keep it so I don’t have to learn how to use new stuff. And I’m that nurse who’s suddenly surrounded...

We're all subject to Murphy's Laws of the operating room, like the not-so-funny one that matches the slowest circulator with the fastest surgeon. Here are 25 laws...

1. You're certain that the surgeon you worked with today uses his personality as birth control. 2. You really think the best photograph of yourself lately is the one on your ID badge....

Behind Closed Doors: All We Want for Christmas; Santa's going to need a bigger sleigh to hold these presents.

Behind Closed Doors: Giving Thanks; You'll see how blessed you really are when you count your blessings.

Behind Closed Doors: Late Shift; Behind Closed Doors: Late Shift

Behind Closed Doors: Things That Make You Go Hmmm...Am I the only one who notices this stuff?

Behind Closed Doors: Amusing Musings; Questions answered and answers questioned about life in the OR.

Behind Closed Doors; Only an OR Nurse Would Understand

Behind Closed Doors: Do You Recognize These Disney Villains? These animated characters are probably acting out in your ORs.

Behind Closed Doors; Can You Spot the Site Marking?

Behind Closed Doors: Practical Jokers; Nothing's more fun than pulling a good prank on your co-workers.

Things only a surgical nurse would understand and appreciate.

Behind Closed Doors: Laugh a Little. Life in the OR can be funny - even when it's not meant to be.

Behind closed doors: Surgery for Santa. I'm pretty sure I saw St. Nick in the OR the night before Christmas.

Behind closed doors: Creatures of habit. The rituals and routines of an OR nurse.

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