Ideas That Work: Information Central


One Dry Erase Board Beats Having to Tell 30 People

dry erase board ROOM AND BOARD Anesthesia providers don't miss any key info when we make it this easy for them.

One Dry Erase Board Beats Having to Tell 30 People

When you have 30 or more anesthesia providers filing in and out of your facility on a semi-regular basis, communicating important updates and information to them is a challenge, especially when some don't come around for weeks at a time. For instance, we've had a lot of drugs that had to be back-ordered. When we'd finally get the orders in, sometimes we'd struggle to remember whom we'd told and who still needed to know. The solution: a dry erase board on the anesthesia workroom door. All providers go to the room first thing in the morning, so it's the perfect place to post new information about drug orders, equipment issues or anything else they need to know.

Miranda Stephens, RN
Maryville Surgical Center
Maryville, Tenn.
[email protected]

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