Ideas That Work: Really Relaxed Patients


A Little Valium Eases the Anxiety

Valium Eases the Anxiety FREE OF FEAR Most patients welcome a little help relaxing before surgery.

A Little Valium Eases the Anxiety

Give patients a little Valium right before surgery and they'll be in the ideal state when the time comes — not unconscious, but ultra-relaxed and free of fear. We administer 10mg sublingually while patients are in the holding area, and typically they really appreciate it. They don't even complain about the taste because it disappears quickly and there's actually a retroactive amnesia effect.

We tell patients in pre-op that that's the protocol and, sure, a few say they don't want it. That's fine — there's no coercion — but most are glad. After all, almost everyone experiences some anxiety right before any procedure. We see it as a little extra sign of caring and concern for our patients.

Our nurses love the idea because it makes starting an IV easier. And anesthesiologists love it because it puts people in the perfect state. Some people get so nervous before surgery that their blood pressure goes up. The Valium helps keep pressure at normal levels.

Robert Kotler, MD, FACS
Summit Surgery Center
Beverly Hills, Calif.
[email protected]

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