Ideas That Work: Head Start


Medical Assistants Save Time in Pre-op

medical assistants TEST TAKER Put medical assistants in charge of basic pre-op tests to make the patient prepping more efficient.

Head Start
Medical Assistants Save Time in Pre-op

We have medical assistants take vitals, check blood sugar levels and administer pregnancy tests before a pre-op nurse begins the patient intake process and starts the IV. This simple tweak to our pre-op routine alerts us sooner if a case has to be cancelled because of patients' comorbid conditions, and saves time if patients have to be treated for elevated blood sugar or high blood pressure. If all checks out, getting the patient ready for the OR is off to a head start. Having a medical assistant begin the process also lets patients feel like they're progressing toward surgery and that the wait doesn't seem as long.

Lori Cheverez, RN, CNOR
Warner Park Surgery Center
Chandler, Ariz.
[email protected]

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