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Acronym Full Credit Type Name
AAPC American Academy of Professional Coders
CA California Board of Registered Nurses
CBSPD Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution, Inc.
CCMC Commission for Case Manager Certification
CRCE Continuing Respiratory Care Education
HSPA (formerly IAHCSMM) Healthcare Sterile Processing Association
NCCT National Center for Competency Testing
ASRT American Society of Radiologic Technologists


5 Results for ASRT

Credit ASRT:1.5

Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is considered a leading cause of disability and pain worldwide with an economic burden on the United States (US) health system of up to $100 billion every year. This educational activity will help learners achieve a greater understanding of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of vertebrogenic LBP.

Credit ASRT:1.0

This ebook is intended to supplement education and training of vascular vessel mapping protocols for creation of an endovascular arteriovenous fistula (endoAVF) utilizing the approach with dual magnetic catheters and application of radiofrequency energy to create an endoAVF (dual catheter system) anastomosis.

Credit ASRT:0.25

These educational videos serve as a comprehensive guide, aiming to instruct learners in the precise identification and assessment of critical veins within the lower extremities through ultrasound techniques. The focus encompasses locating not only the distal great saphenous vein and the posterior accessory saphenous vein but also intricately mapping perforator veins and other vital vascular pathways.

Credits ASRT:2.0

Ultrasound probes are used in nearly all departments in clinical settings including point of care situations such as the bedside and remote clinics. This continuing education covers best practices to prevent the transmission of infection.

Credit ASRT:2.5

This series is designed for healthcare professionals who desire to complement existing ultrasound skills with focused assessment for the patient presenting with venous insufficiency symptomatology.