185 Results for Facility Construction and Design

To stay competitive over time, it helps if the ASC you build today can grow and change to fit the evolving needs of patients and surgical teams years down the road....

“Say goodbye to endless waits in the emergency room — New Yorkers now have a fast solution for their urgent orthopedic needs at our Orthopedic Urgent & Sports Medicine...

Performance Health Surgery Center, created by the ASC design veteran firm Hardaway | Sziabowski Architects, is a 14,700-square-foot, four-OR multispecialty surgery center...

Almost exactly a year ago, Bon Secours Mercy Health (BSMH), one of the 20 largest health systems in the U.S., and ASC management company...

Stamford ASC, an orthopedic and spine center in Connecticut, has grown steadily since opening in 2016 and they wanted that upward trend to continue....

It’s easy to feel confused and overwhelmed by the complex processes and requirements of a new ASC build, but stakeholders can remain focused by keeping one core principle...

Growing demand for anesthesia services at ASCs is being met with a dwindling supply of anesthesia providers....

The ASC market continues its rapid growth. In 2023, roughly 116 new ASCs opened in the U.S., many of which were orthopedic-specific in nature....

In her 24 years as a nurse at Penn Medicine, Connie Croce has seen the evolution from open to laparoscopic to robotic surgery....

Through my decades of researching, testing and helping implement healthcare design solutions, I’ve learned an important lesson: A human-centered and evidence-based...

The moment the decision is made to build a new ambulatory surgery center there’s a rush to get to the finish line and open up to the public as quickly as possible....

The Orthopedic Institute, a value-based partnership between the independent Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO) practice and the Ridgeview health system, opened its doors...

Glass- or steel-walled operating rooms, which have been popular in Europe for some time, are a growing trend in U.S. ORs as the focus on infection prevention increases...

New surgery center construction is not for the faint of heart....

It was a natural move for Bayou Region Surgical Center to add total knees to its existing orthopedics line in 2022....

Renovating a facility to accommodate the many spine procedures that can now be performed in outpatient settings often involves a digital makeover in the form of...

When upgrading or renovating your surgery center, design of your perioperative space is obviously a top priority. AORN’s new Guideline for Design and Maintenance of the...

As orthopedic ASCs continue to be built and developed due to overwhelming demand for their services and the value and convenience they provide, the Medicare...

Considering all the effort you put into the major, headache-inducing aspects of an ASC design and build — the endless delays, the never-ending regulatory hurdles...

Given Medicare’s addition of several orthopedic procedures to its fee schedule, an increasingly graying population and a post-COVID effect that has predisposed...

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