1148 Results for Ideas That Work

Surgery can be a scary thing, especially for kids, so I tested different ways to reduce the anxiety of pediatric patients who were having their tonsils and adenoids removed at...

Do you want to educate staff on the key points of donning and doffing safety gear, and boost morale all in one shot? Try hosting a PPE Fashion Show at your facility. Ask your...

Now that many healthcare workers need to wear masks all day due to the pandemic, many complain that the elastic supports are rough on their ears, even rubbing them...

Personal mobile devices are a breeding ground for bacteria, so make sure the phones, devices and laptops used throughout your facility don’t pose infection risks....

You may not give much thought to the disposable safety straps that hold patients in place during surgery, but what if you knew they were costing your hospital close to...

Our surgery center hosts small infants and young adults, so we always come up with many different ways to establish trust with our patients and reassure them before...

Celebrating staff birthdays is far from a new idea, but we think we created the perfect twist to the common morale-booster. Before an upcoming birthday, several staff...

When it became clear there was a severe shortage of COVID-19 testing kits in our area, we decided to build our own with a team of volunteers at our newly opened...

As a clinical educator, I focus on three major components of airway management competency: knowledge, skill and attitude. We've added validation and verifications of...

Staff can feel disconnected from the decisionmakers who determine how facilities are run. Giving them an opportunity to have their voices heard and speak openly with...

After gynecological procedures such as hysterectomies, surgeons place vaginal packing to stop excessive bleeding. But how are physicians and even patients to know that...

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our health system shut down three facilities to protect them from the coronavirus. When those facilities reopened for elective...

Anxious patients waiting in pre-op bays don't want to see their surgeons wandering around looking for who they're going to be operating on next. To eliminate that...

For cataract patients who have an aversion to IV needles or who have chronic opioid issues, an MKO melt is a wonderful alternative. The sublingual sedation, which consists...

The battle for control of the thermostat is a common occurrence in ORs and a source of undo stress for the surgical team. We decided to give final say of the room's...

I’m known for crafting surgical caps made of bright colorful fabric and giving them to my colleagues as small gestures of how much I appreciate working with them....

Anesthesia providers are placing intubation boxes between themselves and the patients they're intubating to serve as a barrier against COVID-19-containing aerosolized...

If your ears begin to feel the pinch from wearing masks all day as you return work during the coronavirus outbreak, reach for a Barrel of Monkeys. It's one of the many...

Even if your facility isn’t on the frontlines of the battle to combat COVID-19, you can still find ways to join in and help. For our temporarily shuttered surgery center, that meant...

Effectively screening patients for COVID-19 is part of pre-op protocols as outpatient facilities across the country slowly begin performing elective procedures again....

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