809 Results for Anesthesia

What's New in Regional Anesthesia;A quick update on a few exciting developments - and news of a couple setbacks.

Anesthesia Alert: In or Out of Love With Your Anesthesia Group? Before you switch providers, consider the true cost of divorce

Anesthesia Alert: 8 Little-Known Facts About Ketamine; Anesthetic and analgesic properties that make Special K special.

Patient Monitoring Essentials; Capnography and pulse oximetry provide additional reassurance whenever anesthesia is administered.

Are You Ready to Handle Difficult Airways? Have a plan in place and needed tools on hand to solve challenging intubations.

Tools to Improve Medication Safety; To eliminate administration mistakes, you have to eliminate the human factor.

On Point: Help Solve the Opioid Crisis

On the Fast Track; 6 keys to shorter stays in the recovery room.

How to Organize Your MH Carts; Standardized supplies will help your staff save a life when every second counts.

Your Options in Patient Warming; The benefits of preventing hypothermia extend well beyond warm welcomes.

The Case for Continuous Nerve Blocks; Get on board with the best way to manage post-op pain without opioids.

Time to Upgrade Your Anesthesia Machines? The newest models help providers deliver inhalational agents safely, precisely and economically.

An Inspiring Second Place Finish After 26.2 Miles; Q&A with Sarah Sellers, CRNA, 2018 Boston Marathon runner-up.

Anesthesia Alert: Surviving the Anesthesia Drug Shortages; Key injectable opioids and local anesthetics are nowhere to be found.

6 Steps to Successful Continuous Nerve Blocks; Simple pointers to increase patient — and surgeon — satisfaction.

Pediatric Pain Management; Reminder: Codeine Could Be Fatal to Children;

Anesthesia Alert; Prevent Post-op Brain Fog in Older Patients

What's New in Anesthesia and Pain Control; The quest for speedier and safer fast-on, fast-off.

12 hot new anesthesia products. These devices on display in the American Society of Anesthesiologists exhibit hall could help your anesthesia providers deliver great care.

A drug diverter comes clean. A CRNA's story of how he got away with stealing fentanyl — and how easily someone should have caught him.

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