276 Results for Ophthalmology

Outfit Eye-Popping Eye ORs - Pay attention to the details when preparing versatile rooms for a full complement of cases.

You Can't Put a Price on Pupillary Dilation. Don't hesitate to invest in the drugs and devices that make cataract surgery safer and more efficient.

4 ways to accessorize your ophthalmic microscope. A look at the value in investing in the latest add-ons for your scopes.

Coughing fit during cataract surgery costs patient her vision in 1 eye; docs shell out $1.35M. At issue: whether the coughing started before or during the case.

Numerous cases of a potentially blinding condition have been tied to Vancomycin injections. Although the cause of hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis is currently unproven, there is a strong association with the use of intraocular vancomycin, says FD

How to stamp out astigmatism. The 5 keys to surgical success with astigmatism correction.

Exciting advances in ophthalmic laser therapy. Taking a closer look at laser treatments for floaters, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.

Cataract surgery technology update. Forget the marketing pitches -- our reader survey reveals what's making a real difference in eye surgery today.

See the best new products in ophthalmology. Our cataract surgeon's nominations for the hottest products on display in the ASCRS exhibit hall.

Avoid complications in cataract surgery. How to steer clear of common, but preventable, post-operative adverse events.

Did compounded antibiotic-steroid formulation cause cataract patients' vision problems? So far, as many as 50 cataract patients have reported worsening visual acuity.

Your options for managing small pupils. The list of devices and drugs for pupillary dilation and maintenance is growing.

Can we eradicate Endophthalmitis? 7 preventive measures to guard against this rare but sight-threatening complication.

3 amazing advances in refractive cataract surgery. Outfit your facility to deliver the optimum outcomes savvy patients are demanding.

Should you go all in on laser cataracts? The true cost of adding laser-assisted cataract surgery.

Fine-tune your cataract cases. 5 tips to improve your efficiency.

Should you add laser floater removal? Advancements in YAG laser technology have made vitreolysis safer and more effective.

Doubling down on cataract surgery. Same-day bilateral procedures are shaping up to be the next evolution in eye care.

8 Ways to make cataract surgery even safer. These technologies improve patient compliance, reduce surgical injuries and minimize patients' risk of post-op infection.

2016 cataract technology survey. Which innovations are cataract surgeons embracing?

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