Hysterectomy is the second most common surgery for women performed in the U.S., second only to cesarean section, and increasing numbers of surgeons are opting...
Sterile processing departments (SPDs) might not have the ability to dematerialize bioburden with a sci-fi-like laser beam, but the technologies and solutions available to today’s reprocessing techs are becoming smarter,...
St. Cloud (Minn.) Surgery Center underwent a recent renovation to accommodate a steady increase in demand for outpatient arthroplasties. The center expanded...
How might an operating room look and behave five, 10, 15 years down the road? As a hip and knee surgeon, when you're performing a joint replacement procedure...
Imagine walking into the operating room of tomorrow and feeling out of place in unfamiliar surroundings. “ORs are going to look very different in the future,” ...
If you want to get a glimpse into the potential of outpatient surgery, look no further than orthopedics. Surgeons, armed with the industry’s latest technologies and tools,...
Charles E. Miller, MD, FACOG, had already sold his surgical team on the 4K video platform he wanted for performing same-day minimally invasive gynecologic surgeries....
More than one million joint replacements are performed each year and increasing numbers of surgeons are opting to do them with the benefit of robotic assistance...
Orthopedic surgery centers that purchase robotic platforms for knee replacement surgery are investing in the promise of positive outcomes and the potential to tap into...
A number of converging factors are making robotic abdominal surgery an intriguing prospect for many outpatient facilities. Intuitive's patents on the da Vinci robot...
Robotic assistance has revolutionized prostate removal. It's a far better option than removing the gland through a large incision, which can cause significant blood loss...
Knee replacement specialists can measure twice and cut once with saws and drills and feel pretty confident that the implants they place will align perfectly with the femur...
Intuitive Surgical's da Vinci robot, which sells for $1.5 to $2 million and costs about $300,000 a year to maintain, continues to dominate abdominal robotic surgery....
If you've invested in robots, you might as well let everyone know that your facility offers the most advanced surgical technology. Our hospital, Pascack Valley Medical...
Isador Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCSC, was involved in the development of the original Mazor robot, and has been one of the pioneers and champions of robotic spine...
Adding On to Abdominal Surgery; Robots and interactive imaging technology are set to transform minimally invasive procedures.
When you turn the page, you'll see a crease across my forehead and a smile across my face. That's how you can tell I just did a robotic-assisted hernia case. The crease is from...
When the Robot Malfunctions; Prepare for the unexpected so glitches don't lead to disastrous outcomes.
On Point: Give New Technologies a Chance
Building Trust Between Surgical Teams and Robots; Q&A with Joshua Tyler, MD, FACS, FASCRS