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Outpatient Surgery Magazine’s New Surgical Construction Bulletin (NSCB) reports daily on the construction and renovation activities in the outpatient market across the...

As 2024 drew to a close, looking back at what had been predicted for another busy year for the ambulatory community is an indicator of things to come and puts a focus on...

In the latest Gallup Poll released January 10, 2025,nurses once again were rated highest above other healthcare professionals. Nurses were ranked at 76% while pharmacists...

Building a new ASC is a complex process. Every ASC is unique and presents its own set of clinical, financial and operational circumstances....

Have you or your team done something amazing at your facility or for your patients that you’d like to crow about? Would you like to achieve industry recognition for your...

As a stress management speaker, I espouse concepts such as...

Looking for ways to increase revenue in the new year? Consider expanding or adding a new service line....

It’s one of the most undiscussed and unstudied phenomena in surgery, dating back to the very first operations on patients: the presence of insects in the OR and the...

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield announced in mid-November that its policy update regarding how it evaluates time billed by anesthesiologists would result in changes...

Albert Einstein said, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change....”

Let’s face it, double-gloving isn’t cheap — especially if you’re using a two-glove system with built-in color indicators....

Virtually every surgery center’s patient satisfaction scores take a dip or miss the target from time to time. What matters is how centers respond....

A study recently published in the American Journal of Infection Control, “Right-sizing Expectations for Hand Hygiene Observation Collection”, argues that hand hygiene...

Every personality is different and unique. Your one-on-one interactions with each of your team members — or even your own manager — will accordingly feel different...

When you give staff the power and the freedom to not only bring fresh ideas to the table, but also to weave those ideas into the day-to-day workflow, great things can...

Surgery centers often rely on generic and sometimes confusing systems for labeling supplies....

Joseph Rosenbaum, MD, clinical director of hand surgery at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, N.J., is a longtime and enthusiastic practitioner of the Wide-Awake Local...

Studies show that up to 30% of the population may be colonized with Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in their nares and up to 5% of U.S. hospital patients are also...

When Lisa York, MSN, RN, CASC, CAIP, joined the Hunterdon Center for Surgery in Flemington, N.J., 17 years ago, the two-OR facility was preparing to expand to four ORs...

Ever since the recommended age for colonoscopy screening dropped to 45, a growing number of high-volume GI facilities dealing with increased volume are considering...

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