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Acronym Full Credit Type Name
AAPC American Academy of Professional Coders
CA California Board of Registered Nurses
CBSPD Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution, Inc.
CCMC Commission for Case Manager Certification
CRCE Continuing Respiratory Care Education
HSPA (formerly IAHCSMM) Healthcare Sterile Processing Association
NCCT National Center for Competency Testing
ASRT American Society of Radiologic Technologists


68 Results for Ambulatory

No credit

Learn how to use the Sabina Sit-to-Stand Patient left. The Sabina Sit-to-Stand Patient Lift helps you transfer patients to and from the bed, chair, and toilet by lifting them from sitting to a standing position.

No Credit

As part of a safe patient handling and mobility program, overhead lifts can help you mobilize patients earlier and often — and help mitigate complications from immobility. This ceiling mounted patient lift can help improve patient outcomes - including few falls and shorter lengths of stay in the hospital/ICU.

No Credit

Explore the use of the Likorall UltraTwin® Lift System to assist in caring and supporting your patients. This system provides a comfortable and easily adjustable way to transfer and care for bariatric patients and helps to protect caregivers from injury.

No Credit

Patient mobility requires a unique blend of power and flexibility. In this eLearning activity, you'll explore the Golvo® mobile lifts and learn how they combine the versatility of a mobile lift with overhead lifting functionality — helping you address the many lifting needs (and care environments) you encounter every day.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

All patients and members of the perioperative team deserve to be protected from the byproducts of surgical smoke and the potential complications that can follow. The decision about whether to evacuate surgical smoke is often left up to the surgeon’s discretion. But consistently using smoke evacuation equipment in the perioperative environment creates a safer environment for all.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

A collaborative effort and trust between OR and SPD staff is paramount to effective instrument care and infection control. Strategies for effective communication between departments and opportunities for improved relationships between OR and SPD staff will be discussed to help promote safe and efficient patient care.

Credits CA:1.0, NCCT:1.0

This continuing education reviews common surgical positioning injuries, high-risk surgical positions, and how team collaboration and communication can help prevent patient harm. Strategies, techniques, and evidence-based guidelines for steep deep Trendelenburg, prone, beach chair, and lateral positions are covered.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Electrosurgery may be hazardous, so it is important that clinicians understand how electricity behaves and relates to electrosurgical function and applications can contribute to its safe use. Knowledge of the intraoperative and postoperative medical and nursing considerations and interventions can impact positive patient outcomes.

Credits CA:2.0

Early mobilization is a key component for optimizing patient outcomes in the ICU. A standardized progressive mobility protocol provides an outline to develop and implement evidence-based interventions that will improve patient mobilization safely and effectively.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This course will provide an overview of common healthcare-acquired infections and will offer practical information for appropriately following infection prevention practices that healthcare workers can use to protect themselves and the patients they care for.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Surgical draping incorporates principles of aseptic technique to optimize patient outcomes. Drapes are designed to provide a physical barrier, optimize exposure of the operative site, cover supplies and equipment, and reduce the risk of surgical site infection.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

According to governing and recommending entities, frequent monitoring and timely feedback provides the best information to help drive and improve outcomes. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of various compliance monitoring methods, and implementing the most compatible method, can assist organizations with acquiring sustained improvement.

Credits: CA 1.0

This continuing education activity will provide an overview of how AORNs Guidelines are updated, insight into proposed changes to the guideline, and how perioperative professionals can provide feedback on the proposed changes.

Credit CA:1.0

This program will review the core elements of an effective UV disinfection program including current information on the challenge of preventing HAI, current evidence related to true UV device efficacy, and (3) best practices for efficient UV application and implementation. Key in-facility use sites, the value of a multidisciplinary collaboration, and device utilization metrics will also be discussed.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0

During endoscopic procedures, video resolution and picture quality are critical for the surgeon to adequately examine the surgical area and identify abnormal tissue. This ebook reviews the evolution of endoscopic surgical instruments and the benefits of advanced technology that allow the healthcare team to provide efficient care to patients thereby reducing costs and improving outcomes.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This ebook reviews sterility assurance with a focus on packaging. It includes a brief overview of the impact of surgical site infections, key criteria for the appropriate selection and use of packaging materials, types of sterilization wraps, and the various professional guidelines for best practices related to packaging.

Credit CA:1.0

Test your understanding of nasal decolonization’s role in SSI prevention and learn more about how to improve outcomes for surgical patients through decolonization programs.

Credits CA:2.0

Informatics competencies, defined as acceptable levels of knowledge, skill, and ability, are essential for nurses to effectively adopt and use healthcare technologies to achieve these goals. Nursing leaders have an influential role in making sure digital technology is used effectively in their organization.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

The advantages of using an online system for direct access to valuable information about a procedure pack program will be discussed. The five key functions of an online pack management system will be outlined. Best practices for standardization of procedural supplies across an integrated delivery network or individual hospital will be described.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Nurses and infection preventionists are balancing staff and patient safety, prevention of hospital-acquired infections, and the ever-changing regulatory environment. This program focuses on isolation gowns because they are a critical element of PPE, in that they prevent staff and patient exposure to infectious diseases and improve patient outcomes.

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