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Acronym Full Credit Type Name
AAPC American Academy of Professional Coders
CA California Board of Registered Nurses
CBSPD Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution, Inc.
CCMC Commission for Case Manager Certification
CRCE Continuing Respiratory Care Education
HSPA (formerly IAHCSMM) Healthcare Sterile Processing Association
NCCT National Center for Competency Testing
ASRT American Society of Radiologic Technologists


68 Results for Ambulatory

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, IAHCSM:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This continuing education activity will describe the structural differences between rigid and flexible endoscopes as well as surgical uses for both types of endoscopes. Additionally, the steps for cleaning and the Spaulding Classification System will be discussed as a basis for determining the appropriate sterilization method for flexible and rigid endoscopes.

Credit CA:1.0

As Healthcare systems face the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including significant staffing constraints and budgeting challenges, implementing enhanced environmental hygiene protocols, such as UV room disinfection, with optimal efficiency is key. This educational webinar will provide a comprehensive primer sharing best practices for efficient and effective UV room disinfection. Dr. Ashish Mathur reviews best practices for implementing UV disinfection that fits into your operational workflow instead of disrupting it.

Credit CA:1.0

The constant risks posed by a broad range of microorganisms in fast-paced healthcare environments can be overwhelming. This primer will cover (1) the most prevalent MDRO; (2) UV-C air and surface disinfection technologies and how to evaluate their broad-spectrum efficacy; and (3) hands-on best practices for safe, effective implementation.

Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Review the basic principles of wound healing, the types of wound drains and drainage systems available, and wound drain system maintenance. You'll learn about standards of care and recommended practices for wound care to aid in infection prevention and positive patient outcomes.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This ebook has been designed to assist perioperative professionals deliver safe and effective patient care when smoke evacuation is used during operative and invasive procedures. The topics presented include: what we know about surgical smoke; the best defenses against surgical smoke; recommended United States (US) practices, guidelines, standards and regulations as well as international recommendations/guidelines on surgical smoke; and suggested steps for implementing a smoke evacuation program.

Credit CA:1.0

Specific content in this program includes the importance of time and distance in efficacy, safety questions regarding mercury and ozone, as well as key considerations for UV lamps. The goal of this webinar is to help healthcare professionals achieve better patient outcomes by providing a deeper understanding of UV room disinfection.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This ebook discusses foreign debris-initiated post-surgical complications and their associated pathological mechanisms. It reviews the sources of debris contamination, including a description of foreign microbody characteristics that can further amplify pathological responses. Strategies to determine the presence of lint in the OR and recommendations for minimizing their presence are highlighted.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This course provides an overview of the considerations in the selection and use of surgical gowns as a protective measure for both patients and staff. You'll review five criteria used in the selection of surgical gowns, the various types of materials used in the manufacture of surgical gowns, and a case study that will help you solidify your understanding.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Review the problem of retained surgical items (RSI), including their economic and clinical implications. Assessing human factors, creating a safety, quality culture and how you, as a leader, can help reduce adverse events such as RSIs is also discussed. Strategies to reduce the incidence of RSIs and promote positive patient outcomes, including the role of adjunct technology, are outlined.

Credits: ASRT: 1.75

In this educational activity, the role of common AF risk factors and biomarkers prediction of incident AF will be summarized. Current treatment options based on the latest clinical evidence for the management of AF will be discussed, including patient identification, indications for use and risks. Finally, recommendations from leading clinical guidelines will be reviewed.

Credits CA:2.0

Both tube dislodgement and medical device-related pressure injuries can lead to significant morbidity and mortality for the patient and potential legal and financial risks for healthcare organizations. This learning activity will outline the incidence, complications, and costs of unplanned extubation and medical device-related pressure injuries.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

The scope of this education activity will address the physiologic effects of different types of diabetes and the means of controlling diabetes to protect a person from diabetic complications and provide quality of life through treatment support.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This continuing education activity provides a review of the key considerations for the appropriate selection and use of surgical gowns as an infection prevention measure for both patients and the surgical team. Standards and guidelines pertaining to the selection and use of surgical gowns published by various federal agencies and professional organizations are covered.

Credit CA:1.0

As healthcare systems continue to combat COVID-19, and the ongoing risk posed by Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs), ultraviolet (UV) room disinfection can be a valuable tool for enhanced environmental hygiene and surface disinfection. This program reviews the basics of how UV room disinfection devices inactivate microorganisms, the germicidal UV dose delivery required to achieve broad spectrum efficacy and the basics for evaluating and decoding UV device manufacturers’ claims and support, which can vary greatly.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Learn about how an evidence-based and team-based approach for positioning is needed to ensure a safe surgery. Evidence-based guidance from AORN and other safety sources is outlined in this elearning, including specific safe positioning recommendations for all surgical positions, even high-risk positions such as steep Trendelenburg.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This continuing education activity will review the significance of irrigation fluid management, including the clinical care implications related to the use of irrigation fluid throughout the patient’s perioperative journey. The clinical team members’ roles related to irrigation fluid management will be outlined and the complications associated with the use of irrigation during a procedure will be reviewed.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

In this educational activity, the role of common AF risk factors and biomarkers prediction of incident AF will be summarized. Current treatment options based on the latest clinical evidence for the management of AF will be discussed, including patient identification, indications for use and risks. Finally, recommendations from leading clinical guidelines will be reviewed.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

The purpose of this continuing education activity is to provide a review of the clinical considerations regarding the appropriate selection and use of facial protection devices in healthcare practice settings. It provides an overview of the health hazards inherent to the general healthcare and perioperative environment, criteria for appropriate selection and use of facial protection devices, and relevant regulations and recommendations for manufacture and use.

Credit CA:1.0

OR integration (ORI) systems are designed to simplify and streamline the OR by consolidating data, access to video, and controls for all devices through a central console, allowing perioperative personnel to perform many tasks efficiently, without needing to move around the OR, and while ensuring optimum patient safety.

Credits: CA:1.0, AEU:1.0

Experts predict a shortfall of 18 to 20 million healthcare workers by 2030, which constitutes a developing public health crisis that demands an urgent response. Do your part to address nationwide staffing issues with tips for ramping up recruitment and retention efforts in your facility.

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