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Acronym Full Credit Type Name
AAPC American Academy of Professional Coders
CA California Board of Registered Nurses
CBSPD Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution, Inc.
CCMC Commission for Case Manager Certification
CRCE Continuing Respiratory Care Education
HSPA (formerly IAHCSMM) Healthcare Sterile Processing Association
NCCT National Center for Competency Testing
ASRT American Society of Radiologic Technologists


58 Results for Ambulatory

Credits CA:2.0

Nurses and clinical leaders should understand the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and strategies for creating a culture where employees and patients feel respected and valued in healthcare. This continuing education activity will provide nurses and clinical leaders with an overview of DEI and key strategies to foster a culture of inclusion for patients and employees.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

All patients and members of the perioperative team deserve to be protected from the byproducts of surgical smoke and the potential complications that can follow. The decision about whether to evacuate surgical smoke is often left up to the surgeon’s discretion. But consistently using smoke evacuation equipment in the perioperative environment creates a safer environment for all.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

As more elective procedures are shifting to ambulatory surgery and endoscopy centers, these facilities are tasked with reprocessing an increasing volume of reusable medical devices, while adhering to the same regulations and standards as larger healthcare facilities. This program discusses how to meet these challenges and ensure devices are properly cleaned and disinfected.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

According to governing and recommending entities, frequent monitoring and timely feedback provides the best information to help drive and improve outcomes. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of various compliance monitoring methods, and implementing the most compatible method, can assist organizations with acquiring sustained improvement.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This continuing education activity will review the significance of irrigation fluid management, including the clinical care implications related to the use of irrigation fluid throughout the patient’s perioperative journey. The clinical team members’ roles related to irrigation fluid management will be outlined and the complications associated with the use of irrigation during a procedure will be reviewed.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This continuing education activity will address the role of environmental contamination in the transmission of HAIs, describe the latest research on environmental hygiene in the operating room (OR), and list the monitoring methods available to objectively evaluate environmental hygiene. Process improvement methods and new technologies such as self-disinfecting surfaces and “no touch” area cleaners utilizing ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and hydrogen peroxide vapor will be described.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This course will provide an overview of common healthcare-acquired infections and will offer practical information for appropriately following infection prevention practices that healthcare workers can use to protect themselves and the patients they care for.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

A collaborative effort and trust between OR and SPD staff is paramount to effective instrument care and infection control. Strategies for effective communication between departments and opportunities for improved relationships between OR and SPD staff will be discussed to help promote safe and efficient patient care.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

The operating room has traditionally been one of the highest revenue generators for healthcare organizations. This continuing education activity will provide the perioperative nurse with information on ways to improve inventory management in the operating room. It will review the challenges and opportunities associated with effective supply management, and provide specific strategies on product standardization, inventory management and reduction, reduction of waste, data analysis, and improved physician preference card management.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This ebook reviews sterility assurance with a focus on packaging. It includes a brief overview of the impact of surgical site infections, key criteria for the appropriate selection and use of packaging materials, types of sterilization wraps, and the various professional guidelines for best practices related to packaging.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, IAHCSM:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This continuing education activity provides a brief overview of the clinical impact and economic burden of SSIs today. The key characteristics of sterilization wrap materials that help reduce the risk for SSIs, with a focus on nonwoven double layer sterilization wrap, including test data that should be obtained from the manufacturer, will be reviewed.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

The purpose of this continuing education activity is to provide a review of the clinical considerations regarding the appropriate selection and use of facial protection devices in healthcare practice settings. It provides an overview of the health hazards inherent to the general healthcare and perioperative environment, criteria for appropriate selection and use of facial protection devices, and relevant regulations and recommendations for manufacture and use.

Credits CA:2.0

Early mobilization is a key component for optimizing patient outcomes in the ICU. A standardized progressive mobility protocol provides an outline to develop and implement evidence-based interventions that will improve patient mobilization safely and effectively.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Learn about how an evidence-based and team-based approach for positioning is needed to ensure a safe surgery. Evidence-based guidance from AORN and other safety sources is outlined in this elearning, including specific safe positioning recommendations for all surgical positions, even high-risk positions such as steep Trendelenburg.

Credits CA:2.0

Informatics competencies, defined as acceptable levels of knowledge, skill, and ability, are essential for nurses to effectively adopt and use healthcare technologies to achieve these goals. Nursing leaders have an influential role in making sure digital technology is used effectively in their organization.

Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This educational program identifies the clinical considerations related to surgical instrument care, cleaning, test functioning, routine maintenance, and basic repairs. This information will help you keep instruments in excellent condition so patients can receive the best care possible.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0; CBSPD:2.0; HSPA:2.0

This continuing education program will examine the potential benefits of using an instrument management system to facilitate instrument optimization, organization, and manual count confirmation through a series of visual, mechanical, and educational aids incorporated into the design.

Credit ASRT:1.5

The increased need to navigate to areas impossible to locate through touch, and an increased focus on oncoplastic approaches, have led to the development of several wire-free localization techniques that alleviate some of the evidence-based disadvantages of wire-guided localization. This program aims to educate a broader audience on the latest localization techniques for breast conservation surgery with a specific focus on Radar Localization.

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