Does price transparency pay off? Utah ASC makes shopping for surgery easy.
Reimbursement Roundup: Billing technicality could cost group of surgeons millions. You won't believe why United Healthcare is asking these docs to repay facility fees.
CMS issues 2015 payment rates for ASCs and hospitals. Medicare's final rule includes slight increases over proposed rates.
2,610 hospitals facing Medicare payment cuts for excessive readmissions. Medicare's reimbursement penalties reaching record levels in fiscal 2015.
Coding & Billing: Mixed Reviews for 2015 ASC Payment Rule - Outpatient
CMS proposes modest reimbursement raises for ASCs and HOPDs. For 2015, a 1.2% Raise for ASCs and a 2.1% Bump for HOPDs
Business Advisor: Getting patients to pay up. 6 keys to collecting out-of-pocket expenses on the day of surgery.
Commission recommends 3.25-5.25% increase for HOPDs. MedPAC: Freeze Payments for ASCs in 2015
Attendees pan government website during lively breakout session. Medicare's quality reporting sparks frustration.
Coding & Billing: Inside Breast Reconstructions and Revisions - Outpat
Time's Running Out to Report Medicare Quality Data - This Just In - Au
Coding & Billing: 10 Things Insurers Don't Want You to Know - Outpatie
Ideas that work, new shoulder anthroscopy reporting rules.
Medicare's proposed rule for 2014 payment rates would increase hospital outpatient reimbursements by 1.8% and ASC reimbursements by 0.9%.
Senators Introduce ASC-Boosting Bill - This Just In - June, 2013
Coding & Billing - 17 Business Office Best Practices - Outpatient Surg
Coding & Billing - How to Bill for Premium IOLs - Outpatient Surgery M
Equal Payment Rates for Hospitals and ASCs? - This Just In - March, 20
Coding & Billing - Clean Codes Will Safeguard Your Revenue - Outpatien
MedPAC: No Change to ASC Payments in 2014 - This Just In - January, 20