176 Results for Healthcare IT

How to Make an EMR Truly Yours - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Novembe

EMR Countdown - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September, 2011

6 Steps to EMR Success - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2011

Proposed Rule Would Let Patients See Who Accessed Their Electronic Hea

Benefits of Voice Recognition Software - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -

Kaiser Study Touts Green Benefits of Electronic Health Records - This

Who's Who in EMR Vendors - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - April, 2011

Hospital Execs Concerned About Costs, Training Associated With EHRs -

Shop Smart for Your EMR Software - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March

Understanding Your EMR Hardware Choices - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

The Hidden Benefits of Going Paperless - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -

Business Advisor - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - October, 2010

Business Advisor - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September, 2010

Free Guidebook Offers Tips on Electronic Records Implementation - This

Software Solutions - New Products for Surgery - July, 2010

7 Tips for Going Paperless - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - June, 2010

Senators Urge CMS to Ease Up on EHR "Meaningful Use" Criteria - This J

Study Shows Data Theft Grows Along With EMR Adoption - This Just In -

12 Reasons to Embrace EMRs - Hottest Technologies - March, 2010

Hospitals Still Far From Meaningful Use of EHRs - This Just In - Janua

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