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AORN Virtual Town Hall: Meet Our New CEO & Vote on Position Statements – Register
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Fellowship FAQs
Questions & Answers
- What is a fellowship?
A fellowship is an honorary program recognizing individuals who have made substantial and sustainable contributions to a specialty and/or professional organization. These contributions go beyond the local environment and make a significant impact on the profession and/or organization. Fellows have achieved success in their field and are committed to sharing their expertise with others. - What is specific about the AORN Fellowship?
The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) Fellowship recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the specialty of perioperative nursing and to AORN in the areas of clinical practice, education, research/evidence-based practice, or administration/leadership. AORN Fellows have shared those contributions with others through publications, presentations, research, etc. These contributions go beyond local activities and have made a sustainable impact on perioperative nursing and/or patient care across the state/region/country/globe. - What is the difference between the AORN Fellowship and the Award for Excellence?
The Award for Excellence (AFE) and the FAORN serve different purposes. The purposes of the AFE is to recognize an individual for their accomplishments in multiple areas in perioperative nursing. The purpose of the FAORN is to recognize many individuals for their accomplishments in one area of perioperative nursing.
The AFE is an award and the FAORN is an honorary designation of professional standing. The AFE is AORN'S single highest award given to an individual. The AFE is limited in number of awardees. The AORN AFE Committee selects the individual who has demonstrated excellence in all areas of practice, education, and research. The AORN honors the AFE recipient at the annual AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo. The AFE awardees have an opportunity to share their perceptions of excellence in perioperative nursing.
The AORN Fellowship is a recognition for sustainable and substantial contributions to AORN and to perioperative nursing. A Fellow's accomplishments have a long-range influence, as candidates demonstrate how their impact in clinical practice, education, research/EBP, or administration/leadership, has enhanced the specialty of perioperative nursing.
No limits exist on the number of applicants who can become Fellows each year. The AORN Fellows in good standing may use the FAORN credential at their place of employment, in publications, and in correspondence as ongoing recognition of their contributions.
- I am not a member of AORN or a chapter. Am I eligible?
No. A requirement for acceptance is candidates hold AORN membership at the time of application. Membership must be maintained to retain the FAORN credential once earned. - What education level is required?
Applicants must have a graduate degree and one degree must be in nursing, i.e. BSN, MSN, DNP, PhD in nursing. - Why is a master’s degree required?The honorary designation of fellowship conveys to the profession and public expertise, commitment, and standing within the profession. A master’s degree is an achievement that demonstrates ongoing professional development, continuous learning, and is consistent with other specialty fellowship programs.
- My master’s degree is in a field other than nursing. Am I eligible?
Yes. The master’s degree does not need to be in nursing as long as one of your degrees is in nursing (i.e., BSN, MSN, DNP, PhD in Nursing). Based upon their individual professional goals, applicants may have enhanced their knowledge through different degree programs that are related to their work focus. - I have a DNP. Does that meet the educational requirement?
Yes. - Is a national certification a requirement for fellowship?
Yes, all FAORN applicants must hold national certification in a nursing specialty. - I am CNOR(E). Am I eligible?
Yes, nationally recognized emeritus certifications in nursing are acceptable. - I have only been active with AORN at the local level. Am I eligible?
No. Applicants should have been active at the state, regional, national, and/or international level before applying for the fellowship. Although contributions may have begun at the local level, the fellowship designation demonstrates that fellows have made a broader, significant, and sustainable impact on the profession and/or organization beyond the local level. - Is there a limit on how many can apply each year?
No. - Can sponsors apply for the FAORN?
Yes, all individuals who meet the qualifications are encouraged to apply. - I hold a fellowship in another organization, am I automatically recognized as a FAORN?
No. Individuals who are fellows in other organizations must apply through the application process. - Are there categories of members who cannot apply?
Yes. The AORN staff, current Board Members, and current members of the Fellow Selection Committee (FSC) cannot apply.
- What is the role of the sponsor?
Sponsors have the opportunity to guide the applicant in developing a quality application. Sponsors provide candid feedback on readiness and application quality. The FAORN application process requires a sponsor letter (2,500 characters) from an FAORN member.
- Where do I find the list of potential sponsors? How can I contact them?
Please visit the Sponsor webpage for a list of potential sponsors and their contact information. - I do not know the potential sponsors personally, what do I do?
Applicants open a dialogue with the potential sponsor. This dialogue allows an opportunity for the applicant to introduce themselves and their work to the potential sponsor. Applicants bear the responsibility to provide sufficient information (i.e., draft essay responses and CV) to the potential sponsor for an informed decision. Sponsors may have knowledge of the candidates and/or have sufficient time to know the candidate in order to write a letter that fully corroborates the applicant's statements. - How many applicants can be sponsored by the same person?
No limit exists to the number of applicants a sponsor can accept. Sponsors will set their own limits based on their personal workload and ability to mentor applicants. - What should my sponsor write about me?The sponsor statement supports and enhances the applicants' contribution to perioperative nursing.
- Is there a character limit for the letters?
Yes, 2500 characters in the body of the letter. - Do the sponsors know we will be reaching out to them for their recommendations?
Yes. All sponsors have confirmed their willingness to participate. - What is a Facility/Leader?
A facility/leader is someone who writes a letter (2,500 characters) affirming your contribution to perioperative nursing. This letter originates from an individual at the organizational level who can attest to your contributions. - I don't report to the nursing department. Is it acceptable to have a physician or hospital administrator write this letter?
Yes. Because of the variety of settings in which perioperative nurses practice, the facility/leader recommendation letter should be written by a nurse leader or other leader who is familiar with your work and can attest to the impact of that work on perioperative nursing and AORN. The individual does not need to be your direct supervisor. - I do not work in a health care facility and there is no nursing leader. Who should write this letter?
The letter should be written by an individual who is in a position to validate your contributions to perioperative nursing. Such an individual has general familiarity with perioperative practice, your work, and relationship to AORN's mission, vision, and values. The individual does not need to be your direct supervisor. - I am retired, who should write this letter?
For retired individuals seeking fellowship, the facility/leader letter may come from a professional or an individual who is familiar with your contribution to perioperative nursing. The author of the letter must be able to recognize the impact of your contributions. - Is it acceptable to have someone who reports to me write this letter?
No, this letter should be written by another nurse or other individual in a leadership position with whom you have worked. - Does the facility/leader who writes my letter need to be the person to whom I directly report?
No, but this person should be familiar with your work and be able to attest to the impact of that work on perioperative nursing and/or AORN.
- Where is the application located?
The application is located on the Fellow of AORN (FAORN) page. - What are the dates that the application will be open?
Applications are open from 7am (MT) on July 1 through 11:59pm (MT) on September 15. - Is there a character limit to my responses to the three essay questions?
Yes, the limit is 2,500-characters, including spaces for each. - How are the letters of support submitted?
Both letters of support are uploaded as either a Word document or PDF within the application. The applicant submits all the components of the application, including the sponsor letters and the CV. - What is the difference between a resume and a CV?
A resume is a brief summary (1-2 pages) of experience that identifies skills, knowledge, and abilities to meet job responsibilities. A CV is focused on professional accomplishments. The CV is detailed and identifies chronological employment experience, education, publications, presentations, and participation in professional organizations. The CV should validate the accomplishments presented in the essays, sponsor letter, and facility/leader letter. - I am very active in my church youth group. Should I discuss this in my application?
The criteria for acceptance as a FAORN include significant contributions to the specialty of perioperative nursing and to AORN. Service on other professional association boards, foundations, non-profit organizations, advisory bodies, and regulatory/government boards, are relevant only if they have an impact on perioperative nursing. - How long is the review process?
We estimate completion of the reviews by mid-November.
- What is the application fee and how much are the dues?
The non-refundable application fee is $350. The renewal fee is $250, due and payable every two years following acceptance. - Are the biennial fees associated with Fellowship recognition, in addition to the annual dues for AORN membership?
Yes. The fees associated with Fellowship recognition are separate from annual membership dues.
- Will there be a limit to the number of fellows selected?
No. - When and how will those selected be notified?
Applicants who have been selected will be notified by phone and by email, once the FSC has completed the review process. - If selected as a fellow, what are the responsibilities?
Fellows will uphold the Fellowship pledge and support the mission, vision, and values of AORN. Fellows are expected to continue their contributions to AORN, mentor others, and encourage and sponsor other Fellowship applicants. Fellows must continue to be AORN members and pay AORN dues and the Fellowship fee. - Will applicants who were not selected be notified?
Yes. - If not selected, will there be feedback regarding selection so that I may reapply?
No, the Fellowship Selection Committee does not provide feedback to candidates about their applications. If not selected, a candidate may apply in the following years. - What are the requirements to maintain FAORN other than biennial dues?
The criteria are continued contribution to AORN and perioperative nursing, active AORN membership, maintenance of certification or certification emeritus status, and payment of biennial dues. Fellows are expected to continue to contribute to AORN and perioperative nursing, to promote the Fellowship, and to sponsor future candidates.