Credit CA:2.0; NCCT:2.0
These educational videos serve as a comprehensive guide, aiming to instruct learners in the precise identification and assessment of critical veins within the lower extremities through ultrasound techniques. The focus encompasses locating not only the distal great saphenous vein and the posterior accessory saphenous vein but also intricately mapping perforator veins and other vital vascular pathways.
Credit CA:1.0
Understand what data from your robotics program you need to collect to resonate with your executives, how to analyze data to address change management initiatives, and learn which real-time reports can help your team make evidence-based decisions for your program.
Credits CA:2.0
Early mobilization is a key component for optimizing patient outcomes in the ICU. A standardized progressive mobility protocol provides an outline to develop and implement evidence-based interventions that will improve patient mobilization safely and effectively.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Apheresis is a procedure with significant physiologic outcomes, so the care of TA patients requires knowledge and skill of leading practices and innovative devices. This educational activity discusses the rationale for TA procedures and the nursing considerations in the delivery of apheresis care. Access methods will be reviewed along with the risks and adverse events associated with vascular access procedures.
Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This continuing education activity will provide a historical review of the evolution of the use of surgical gloves as a protective barrier. The impact of occupational exposure on healthcare workers will be presented. The implications of double gloving in the surgical practice setting will be discussed, including approaches to implement a change in practice and the identification of perceived barriers.
Credit CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, IAHCSM:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This continuing education focuses on what is required to maintain the sterile barrier. Although all types of packaging systems are discussed, the primary focus is on wrap and rigid sterilization containers and how to maintain them. Pre-purchase evaluation, use, between use care and maintenance, preventive maintenance and storage are covered.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0; CBSPD:2.0; HSPA:2.0
This continuing education program will examine the potential benefits of using an instrument management system to facilitate instrument optimization, organization, and manual count confirmation through a series of visual, mechanical, and educational aids incorporated into the design.
Credits CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This ebook reviews sterility assurance with a focus on packaging. It includes a brief overview of the impact of surgical site infections, key criteria for the appropriate selection and use of packaging materials, types of sterilization wraps, and the various professional guidelines for best practices related to packaging.
Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, AAPC:2.0, CCM:2.0
The purpose of this continuing nursing education activity is to provide a review of the role of drug delivery following FESS in optimizing patient outcomes. An overview of the anatomy and physiology of the paranasal sinuses, followed by the clinical implications of CRS, will be presented. The care pathway for CRS patients will be outlined, including the indications for FESS and the clinical considerations related to continued medical therapy.
Credit ASRT:0.25
These educational videos serve as a comprehensive guide, aiming to instruct learners in the precise identification and assessment of critical veins within the lower extremities through ultrasound techniques. The focus encompasses locating not only the distal great saphenous vein and the posterior accessory saphenous vein but also intricately mapping perforator veins and other vital vascular pathways.
Credit ASRT:1.25
This program explains why the accurate detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) is so important. Symptoms of and risk factors for AF are outlined, and methods of detecting it are described, including short-term (up to 30 days) and long-term (up to 4.5 years) cardiac monitoring.
Credits CA:1.0
Decreasing hospital acquired pressure injury (HAPI) has been an ongoing battle for the ICU care team. This educational activity will provide baseline knowledge needed to identify high risk pressure injury patients in the ICU. You’ll learn what extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors are unique to the ICU patient which increases their risk for pressure injury. The latest research and evidence-based interventions needed to improve HAPI rates in the ICU will be reviewed, along with various types of technology available to help you in the mission of protecting your patient’s skin.
Credits CA:1.0
The ICU patient population is at increased risk for pulmonary complications that can be mitigated with proper risk awareness, early intervention, and use of adjunct technology. This educational activity will provide key learnings needed to support the ICU pulmonary patient from multiple angles and you'll leave empowered to actively anticipate and participate in improving outcomes in your pulmonary ICU patient population.
Credit CA:1
Early mobilization is a key component for optimizing patient outcomes in the ICU. A standardized progressive mobility protocol provides an outline to develop and implement evidence-based interventions that will improve patient mobilization safely and effectively. Phases of mobilization described in this eLearning include goals and interventions to consider for safely progressing mobilization of the patient.
Credit CA:2.0
Learn about the definition, dynamics, and attributes of unconscious bias; explore the nature of unconscious biases and how they can affect health outcomes; and examine tools and educational approaches to help HCPs recognize, reflect on, and change unconscious bias to avoid harm to patients.
Credits CA:1.0
Embracing a zero-narcotics approach post-surgery accelerates recovery, improves outcomes, and reduces hospital stays. See how this and other robotic surgery advantages drive a paradigm shift toward a culture of efficiency and financial stewardship.
Credits CA:1.0
Bullying leaves nasty fingerprints on individuals, healthcare organizations, the nursing profession, and patients. Its mark is damaging and long lasting. Leaders, therefore, have a responsibility to do their part to stop the cycle of bullying and incivility. In this keynote presentation leaders will learn practical tools and strategies they can immediately implement to address workplace violence, bullying, and incivility within the healthcare environment. When leaders are equipped to address disruptive behaviors, employees stay, and patients achieve better outcomes.
Credits CA:1.0
As cost containment initiatives continue to be a top priority in healthcare, you will acquire insight into how to take these efforts to new levels in robotic surgery. Through analysis and creation of transparency tools, you’ll be able to identify areas for cost savings in your robotic surgery program.
Credits CA:2.0; NCCT:2.0
Hybrid operating rooms (OR) combine the traditional OR with an image guided interventional suite allowing for a broader range of cases. This learning activity will discuss the design considerations when building a new hybrid OR, the equipment that may be included, types of emerging procedures that may be performed in the OR, and the benefits and challenges associated.
Credits CA:1.0
As staffing challenges persist, obtain fresh ideas on how to optimize staffing models in your robotics service line. Through careful examination of the surgical schedule and a strategy of deploying resources based on highest need, you'll see how to maximize team members at their highest scope of practice.