Periop Today Newsletter

The latest in periop news delivered to your inbox.

Periop Today is our bi-weekly member newsletter that delivers perioperative news, clinical recommendations, professional development opportunities, and legislative guidance. Periop Today also features AORN's Guidelines for Perioperative Practice implementation tools, key takeaways, and a variety of perioperative resources. 

Periop Today Articles

Read articles from our current and past issues.

1 Results for Environmental Stewardship

Periop nurses witness the significant amount of waste generated in the OR every day, but they may not know just how significant this waste is. Review how perioperative teams and individuals can improve environmental health for all with innovative approaches. Find out what steps AORN, The Joint Commission, and individual periop nurses are taking.

Continuing Education

AORN offers live and on-demand education on high-interest, clinical and leadership topics developed for perioperative nurses, leaders, and other members of the perioperative team.