Periop Today Newsletter

The latest in periop news delivered to your inbox.

Periop Today is our bi-weekly member newsletter that delivers perioperative news, clinical recommendations, professional development opportunities, and legislative guidance. Periop Today also features AORN's Guidelines for Perioperative Practice implementation tools, key takeaways, and a variety of perioperative resources. 

Periop Today Articles

Read articles from our current and past issues.

7 Results for Periop Today 11/08/23

AORN offers education and professional development throughout the year. Check out our upcoming sessions, including online and in-person.

Putting a stop to pressure injuries OR teams take all the necessary PI-prevention steps at their disposal. Early assessments, preemptive positioning plans and awareness of potential problem spots are a recipe for success.

AORN offers two HLD resources to help teams better protect patients and pass surveys.

They happen. It’s what you learn that’s important. Read 5 ways to help your team learn from mistakes.

Healthy Work Environment: See how Boston Children's staff took effective steps to support and engage nursing staff, enhance nurse retention and cultivate a culture of excellence in perioperative care.

Prevent Unintended Retained Surgical Items: Unravel the compelling reasons and best practices that underscore the importance of accurate surgical counts and the actions to take when discrepancies arise.

Read recommendations for a VTE protocol and risk assessment for VTE and bleeding. Discusses pharmacologic and mechanical VTE prophylaxis. Covers the importance of getting patients moving post-op, as well as patient and family education.

Continuing Education

AORN offers live and on-demand education on high-interest, clinical and leadership topics developed for perioperative nurses, leaders, and other members of the perioperative team.