Periop 101: A Core Curriculum™

Build A Strong Evidence-Based Clinical Foundation

Most Trusted Onboarding Program for Perioperative Nurses

Periop 101 has been the gold standard in perioperative education since 1999 and is used globally to prepare new RNs for the OR environment. It fully prepares nurses with consistent, current information in the classroom and online, and clinical experience to reinforce what they’ve learned.

The program is developed and continuously updated to reflect the latest evidence-based AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice and includes graduate-level QSEN competencies. This turnkey program is easy to implement and customizable to meet your team's education goals. 

Attention HealthStream Periop 101 Customers

Periop 101 is now exclusively available through AORN for renewal & purchase. Find out what this means for you.

Periop 101 Course Features

Interactive Modules: Dynamic online content facilitate learner engagement. 

Recommended Textbooks: Supplemental education material for well-rounded training.

Hands-On Skills Labs: Easily develop clinical training for your learners with customizable Skills Lab Checklists.  

Administrator Teaching Guides: Find various Administrator Resources to help you develop learning curriculum and implement the onboarding program. 

Preceptor Resources: Preparing the Preceptor Course is included along with various preceptor resources, to set your team up for success. The number of preceptor seats depends on the number of learner seats. 

*One-year AORN Membership for Learners: Complimentary membership provides access to clinical tools, continuing education, Guideline Essentials, connection to the perioperative community, and a multitude of benefits to support your learners as they enter the perioperative specialty. 

*AORN Membership for Administrators: Complimentary membership offers access to various learner engagement tools, Guideline Essentials, connection to the Periop 101 administrator community, and various member benefits to help your onboarding program succeed and to support your professional development. 

*Quarterly Administrator Webinars: Access to webinars where AORN periop experts, along with experienced Periop 101 administrators, offer tips, tricks, and best practices for implementation and functionality of the program. These webinars also provide the latest product updates and Q&A opportunities to support the success of your new RNs. 

Contact AORN for additional course features included in this premier onboarding program.

*Available exclusively to customers who utilize Periop 101 on the AORN Learning Management System.

Introducing Periop 101

Take a look inside Periop 101 and learn how this standardized perioperative nurse onboarding program is the right solution to get your team OR-ready faster and current on evidence-based best practices.

Periop 101 Learning Plans

Preview the Periop 101 Administrator Experience

Program implementation and management is a breeze with the AORN Learning Management System. The library of Administrator Resources, easy access to learner invites, reporting features, administrator webinars for best practice tips, and the support of AORN's periop experts are just some of the ways we help you to succeed. Watch the video to learn more.

Who Benefits from Periop 101?

  • Nurses new to periop in the hospital or ambulatory setting
  • Experienced and novice periop RNs who are new to the ambulatory setting
  • Hospitals and surgery centers who utilize Periop 101 have reported improvements in recruitment and retention
  • Patients receive confident, consistent, high-quality care from Periop 101 graduates

What Periop 101 Customers are Saying

“As an educator, Periop 101 is essential because it delivers high quality, standardized education to the new OR nurse. When a student passes Periop 101, a facility can be confident the student has the necessary perioperative knowledge.”

Rebecca Vortman

DNP, RN, CNOR, Nurse Educator

“Periop 101 saves me valuable time and is complete with references and tools for sim lab scenarios to more thoroughly prepare nurses in becoming a periop nurse.”

Toni Hughes

MA, BSN, RN, CNOR, Nurse Educator

Periop 101- Digital Badge

Periop 101 BadgeAfter successful completion of the course, learners can showcase their verified perioperative skills on their resume and social channels with AORN’s Periop 101 digital badge. Learn about Digital Badging.

AORN team members are ready to assist you with questions or to provide a custom tour of this turnkey onboarding program. 

Complement Periop 101 with Impactful Clinical Resources

eGuidelines Plus: An online facility subscription providing access to AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice. Your subscription includes hundreds of online implementation tools and clinical resources to enhance onboarding and further your OR team's competencies.

Preparing for the Scrub Role: With the current nursing and surgical technologist shortage, facilities need new nurses to be trained for the scrub role as soon as possible. Pair Periop 101 seats with scrub role training for a seamless transition. 

Contact AORN to inquire about bundling these resources.